Giving Intense Orgasms To Women

Let’s take a quick tour of the Female Orgasm Blueprint and WATCH exactly how to give a woman an intense full body orgasm with the help of these real-life demonstrations here…
Think for a moment about the first time you had sex.
How did you perform?
Good, bad, okay?
I know for me, my first time wasn’t my best work.
And the same is true for most men.
Now picture where you’re at for the moment.
While you may not be totally satisfied with where you are right now – or perhaps your stamina isn’t the same as it used to be – what are your SKILLS like compared to your first time?
I know for most men they’re a whole lot better.
In fact, most men when asked to rate their performance sexually think they do a pretty good job.
Whether that’s true or not we’ll leave for another time, but here’s what I’m getting at…
Imagine if you were to look at your improvement in skill from when you started out to where you’re at now…
…and you were to 10x that rate of improvement again.
Imagine if you were to get EVEN better at sex – and you were to become 10x better.
How amazing would your sex become?
And how amazing would the experience be for your woman?
A LOT better, right?
The reason I’m sharing this is because this is what I know the potential of most men to be.
Most men have the power to SUBSTANTIALLY improve their sexual skills in the bedroom – even if they’re ALREADY great.
And the way to get there is with more learning, more studying and more experimenting.
And one extraordinary way to learn is by WATCHING masters at work.
Now, normally this opportunity doesn’t exist when it comes to sex, but my friend Jason Julius has made it possible.
She organised the recording of several couples practising high-level sexual techniques on each other for you to learn from.
This is VERY different from your traditional adult movie.
So while, yes, they are nude and you can see everything, this is about watching the techniques they use so you can take them and use them on YOUR woman to give her 10x the pleasure she’s currently getting.
BUT this training is only available for a limited time, so if you’re interested make sure you check it out now using the link below…
Special link to watch high-level sex technique training
Talk soon,
PS – I must emphasize that this is available for a limited time only.
So if you are interested, make sure you check it out through this link while it’s still available…
Click “HERE” for her orgasm
Hey, it’s Craig.
Do you know what happens in long-range warfare?
When you dial your missile in, you’re surely going for the kill. But when you launch your missiles from 100 miles out of the sea, you never get to see the impact you make on the target.
The same thing happens inside a woman’s “hidden pleasure zones” (but in a good way).
Just like how a single button launches a missile, you too can fire up a woman’s automatic “switch”…
That triggers thigh-quivering orgasms (like this)…
…and bestowing an incalculable, EPIC blow of pleasure upon her body.
But before you do that, let me tell you something important…
Did you know that orgasms get better as a woman ages?
Yes, according to a new study, women age 36 and older have the best and most frequent “pleasure peaks” compared to younger women.
In other words, if you’re in a long-term relationship and you don’t satisfy your woman enough, then this technique has GREAT POTENTIAL to resurrect her deepest erotic desires.
BUT, if you’re completely clueless or confused about how to really please her, then there’s another method to hijack her “arousal mechanism”…
One that makes her so hot, horny, and ready for you that she literally cannot contain herself.
And when you discover her “Virtual Clit” here?
You’ll be able to stroke her most stimulating erogenous areas without ever touching her…
Anyway, you’ll learn more in the next phases of this technique – including how to stack several lust buttons so the pleasure impact is never lost on her…
Hop over here and take a sneak peek inside…
Talk soon,
Craig Miller
Women’s invisible orgasm button? (Press here)
How quickly can a woman climax without skin contact?
Seems like an odd question, thinking about how we like to smash our moist private parts together. But seriously, for any guy who wants to bring a girl to incredible sexual peaks…
…this must be the most unconventional “orgasm hack” ever recorded in history:
Just press her invisible “orgasm button” (it’s closer than you think)…
The truth is, it IS truly fascinating – impossible even.
But only for a man who’s never tried anything like this before.
In other words, if you know your way around the realm of “physical pleasure” like penetration, sex positions, oral techniques and more – then this will blow your mind.
And even if, on the other hand – you’ve tried every bit of “stimulation tricks” you found online or passed on from one guy to another…
Or, even if you’ve read all intimate magazines from cover to cover…
This will certainly MESS your girl up (in the most pleasurable fashion).
In fact, when you push just one of these “lust triggers”…
She’ll start to feel intense sexual attraction towards you…
She’ll get horny without direct “fondling”…
She’ll get gushing wet between her legs… and feel increasingly hot, sexy, and “adventurous”.
She’ll let go of any doubt, insecurity, shyness – and be totally guilt-free of all the bedroom satisfaction she’s about to experience with you…
And when you finally press that “invisible button”?
Yes, the kind of fireworks that brings about white-hot orgasms…
The kind of intense pleasure that re-ignites passion in your relationship.
But believe it or not…
Everything happens WITHOUT touching.
Sounds crazy? Wait until you try this:
This gives her oooh-gasms (even without skin contact)…
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
The orgasm that stopped her breathing
Ever had a girl who almost died in your arms?
I had this wild experience recently…
Something I did with my fingers gave my woman a particularly intense orgasm…
Causing her to hold her breath for a few seconds…
Almost as if she’s going to pass out!
“How did you do it?” She kept asking me.
I can’t tell her or else it’ll spoil the fun. Regardless of what I say or do…
She just can’t move on from this awesome “fingering”…
And frankly?
I wasn’t able to get it out of my head too.
Here’s the thing…
At the point of a climax, the brain releases massive amounts of oxytocin and dopamine. These chemicals simply go nuts… giving her that big ol’ WHOOSH of pleasure.
In fact, when the dopamine party kicks off, it causes her to actually stop breathing for a quick moment – a clear sign that she’s climaxing at that very second.
Well, some girls say they see stars for a few minutes. But others DO lose consciousness because of it.
That’s why people call such an orgasm the “little death”.
But the good news?
You can learn how to do this too – and even make your girl climax so powerful she will SHOOT all her juices out… AKA “squirting”.
This is the type of climax that’s still considered the holy grail of female pleasure, with Tantric practitioners calling it the gush of “divine nectar” – or the release of sacred waters.
Either way you view it, many of the women who experience this (including mine) say it’s hands-down the best climax of her life…
If you want her to experience the kind of pleasure that stops her in her tracks and keeps her coming back for more – this is probably it.
Simply put…
It’s not every day she gets this ecstatic “squirting orgasm”…
But once she does… you can expect a sequel coming soon. 😉
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
Female Orgasm Arts Tricks We Got From “Virtual Sex”
Inside the dark and corrupt activities of Silicon Valley Billionaires there lies…
A virtual sexual environment where people live out their deepest, darkest fantasies so highly realistic… they could feel it as though it was really happening!
It all started when a neuroscientist had the most eye-opening observations, proving how EASY it is to get women ADDICTED to sex.
For instance, one of the sex toys they used in a study had a bizarre effect on a girl’s private organ.
In fact, as soon as the pleasure gizmo was switched on, and the “buzzing” sound is heard…
Some of the women instantly got warm and tingly between the legs…
Others started to get wet…
And then some climaxed – even without making contact with the sex toy!
As it turned out, this unique phenomenon exists in the real world, when you tap into a combination of physical and psychological stimulation…
That “installs” arousal in any woman – without ever laying a finger on her!
Imagine how powerful this is…
To blast the most sensitive erogenous zones of her body with a dose of primal pleasure… without so much as touching her skin. (Like a pet salivating at the sound of a bell!)
And the good news?
We’ve received some “leaked data” from companies creating virtual sex that are surprisingly GOOD.
But don’t worry… this info stays between us.
So if you want to turn any woman into your willing, enthusiastic, dong-worshiping nympho…
Who loves to get on her knees, fondle you, gush about your “man tool” and all the nasty, almost unspeakably dirty things she wants you to do with it…
Believe me, you don’t truly require a “virtual world” for that.
Bone-fests or quickies?
Here are powerful NEW Orgasm Arts Techniques to bring her pussy to rapture…
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
Weird orgasm techniques that blow her mind
A goldfish is an awfully poor learner.
After 3 seconds, it’s going to forget it ate a tasty worm. Then, it’ll just eat another one, find it delicious, forget about it again, and so on.
How does this apply to you?
Well, if you’re sexually active, or aspire to be one, you’re surely aware that only a few guys can truly “master” their techniques as a lover.
You know what 98% of those men are going to do?
They’re going to forget these powerful orgasm techniques ever EXISTED…
It’s true.
And, they’re again going to jump onto another fresh new skill…and… again forget all about it.
Two reasons: Either they’re not so keen to level up, or they’ve settled with over-used tactics that have lost their spark.
Which reminds me of a question…
If you’re bestowed a superpower to give women one RARE orgasm, so pleasurable, that it’s identical to a frenzied “religious experience”…
Would you rather convince yourself to stop right there?
Or would you never push beyond the limits of the normal, enjoyable, common sexual experiences?
Of course not!
You want to hone your skills to a point where you are both “climaxing” as often as you want, and as intensely and blissfully as you can.
In short, don’t be a goldfish!
After all, if a man forgets everything he’s been taught in just mere seconds, how could he be expected to master a simple skill that will make him happy for life?
Here’s one way to make sure you’ll never ever un-learn these Female Orgasm Blueprint techniques for as long as you (and your lady) shall live…
Orgasm Secrets You’ll Carry To Your Grave…
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
Orgasm Arts Review
Female Orgasm Blueprint Review Video
NEXT PAGE >>> Decode Women’s Sex Signals
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