“Let Me Show YOU 1 Trick That FORCES Any Woman To Squirt?”

Hi, I’m Jason Julius,
You may be wondering, why listen to me for Squirting Orgasm Shortcuts?
Who am I to give you advice?
Here’s why you should trust me…
First off, I’m an internationally recognized best selling sex author, female orgasm expert and advisor to millions of satisfied couples.
My website receives more than 5 million visitors per year, and over half a million people (mostly men and couples) are subscribed to my Free Email newsletter.
Not to mention, I have been featured in Men’s Fitness magazine and also requested to be part of their board of advisors to help their readers learn more about Female Squirting Orgasms.
Last but not least, I have created over 40 internationally published books on sex, as well as created hundreds of articles and sex education videos, and I have over 5,000 testimonials from my happy students.
Here’s one such real-life testimonial question I’d like to share with you.
“Hey Jason.
I was just wondering if it’s really normal to be able to squirt so intensely, and in so much volume that it gushes like a mini fountain, seeps through the mattress and starts pooling on the floor?”
Cathy Long, Atlanta, GA.
——- End——
My Answer?
YES, YES and another YES
I’ve known women who seem like they could literally flood the room!
In fact, when I taught one of my pals this secret squirting orgasm shortcut, he made his girlfriend squirt so often that they had to start using his spare bedroom for these wet orgasms because she was soaking everything in his master bedroom
And they didn’t particularly like sleeping on a soaked mattress.
However, that is the very definition of a “quality problem “ I know you’d love to have.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Now of course not all women are going to ejaculate this much fluid every time for every orgasm
Especially when you’re first teaching her how to ejaculate
Still, gushing out a lot is not abnormal in any way, just the same as gushing just a little is not abnormal.
When it comes to female orgasms there is no standard and that’s what makes it so fun discovering your woman’s body and the amazing orgasms she’s capable of having.
You can get all my techniques to give your woman sheet soaking orgasms right here.
And you’ll be glad you did, why?
Because once you teach your woman how to squirt it will become like an addiction for her.
You know why?
Because Squirting feels like 10 times better and stronger than a regular orgasm. I know because I’ve personally given women countless gushing orgasms and scores of my READERS have to and we all unanimously agreed that there’s NOTHING compared to it when it comes to FEELING INTENSE PLEASURE.
That’s why after a day or so of not releasing, your woman will start to feel the pressure building up
And when she feels this
Watch Out!
Because she’s going to be all over your junk until you give her what shes craving
A big, juicy, wet, squirting orgasm
So she can feel the intense pleasure that comes with a huge squirt release.
I’m sure this is the kind of addiction that works out quite well for you
I mean, what kind of guy would complain about getting more nookie?
Listen, I know your time is valuable, that’s why I’ve packed everything you need to know to get your woman off in one easy to consume video course.
I’ve only included the techniques and tips you need to know, including the 1 sex technique that will make any woman squirt like a fountain, and there is absolutely no fluff or filler. Click the link below…
Talk Soon
Jason Julius
Wanna See Her Squirt? (This Position Does It)
Whether a woman sits, squats, or bends her knee…
There’s one big reason she needs you and your penetrating “tool” – and you can never go wrong when you know this…
Wanna see her squirt? (This sex position does it)…
As you can imagine, squirting is different from a clitoral climax.
With the right amount of stimulation, the g-spot or the “urethral sponge” builds up the fluid that GUSHES OUT along with a powerful orgasm.
With the clit, it’s not that much (it’s like an explosive climax vs. a silent one)…
Don’t get me wrong, clitoral O’s are still great and the clit is not entirely out of the picture.
But if you want to cap the night off with nothing but a full-body, mind-blowing, heart-racing sexual RELEASE – then “squirting” is the way to go.
In fact, a specific set of bedroom positions will allow you to stimulate her clit and simultaneously make her splash out during penetration.
Just remember, if a woman isn’t a “natural” she can’t do this by herself…
Plus, the trick is all about timing – that is, to time her squirt stream to coincide with a g-spot climax.
So… guess what?
Here’s probably the best position that’ll do most of the work for you…
“OMG! She does squirt with this sex position…”
Amazingly, this HITS the exact right spot that makes any girl “gush out” in ecstasy – even for the very first time you try it.
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
Not Hitting Her G-Ppot? (Try This)
Everybody wants pleasurable sex, but most people do little more than crank up the wishful thinking.
Case in point:
Stroking the G-spot feels like luscious heaven to a woman, but only a few men are bold enough to master it.
Especially, since it requires a bit of effort.
Look – stop stressing yourself and your woman. You can easily max out her pleasure for just one-tenth the effort – when you know this…
Not hitting her G-spot? (Try doing this instead…)
(Hint: Doing this presents a big chance of her SQUIRTING – where she’ll explode in all its glorious liquid pleasure.)
And… if you follow this down to a T… you’ll potentially stimulate into her A-spot too – which is a deeper, more elusive part inside her that gives a whole different world of erotic pleasure.
Perhaps I don’t have to tell you this, but…
Many of us find it TOUGH to reach those erogenous zones with one simple action. Maybe you’re not well-endowed down below…
Maybe your “tool” doesn’t have a nice little curvature that makes penetration a breeze…
Or, you don’t want to deal with cramps in your arms and hands, or have pruney fingers at the end of every session.
Well, why trouble yourself that much… when something else can do the heavy lifting for you?
As far as pleasuring multiple female parts without the hassle, I think this approach is as clear-cut as it gets. Take a good look at this…
Pleasure technique stimulates her G-spot, A-spot, and Squirt spot… all in one go.
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
Squirting Orgasm Shortcuts Review Video
Keep Her Cumming