3 Magic Phrases That’ll Make A Woman Sexually Attracted To You?

It doesn’t take money.
It doesn’t take looks.
It takes a power to speak to the deep part of her unconscious mind responsible for sexual seduction and attraction to get a new girl tonight in bed with you.
Use these 3 phrases to bypass her conscious decision making and stimulate deep primal supernatural desire…
The 3 magic phrases that bypass objections and make her horny for you
Most guys are good at “friendly” talk.
They can have conversations with their male friends.
Many can even have long conversations with women.
But where most get stuck is turning up the SEXUAL dynamics.
For too many men this is a total mystery.
They worry about things like rejection…
Or think it’s things like looks, money, height or confidence that hold them back.
But here’s the deal.
If you’re struggling to generate passionate red-hot attraction in the women you interact with then none of those things are the problem.
The problem is simply that you’re not speaking the language of sexual attraction.
Every woman has a built-in sexual desire.
They have hormones for sexual desire.
They have body parts for sexual desire.
The hunger for sex exists in all women.
But if you’re not seeing it you’re simply not tapping into it.
So the next time you see a woman you’re attracted to…
Or the next time you’re interacting with a woman and you’d like to go from plutonic to sexual…
Use the following magic phrases to get a new girl tonight…
Saying these words will help you get out of worrying about whether you’re doing the right things.
Instead just freakin’ say these words.
It’ll get you in the game and you’ll be blown away by the reaction you get.
It could even change how you look at female sexual attraction forever.
See the 3 phrases here…
3 phrases that trigger intense sexual attraction in a woman
Talk soon,
PS: Arousal Trumps Attraction Any Day
Hey there,
Yesterday, I sent you a tip and video from my buddy Julian… and guys were literally freaking out.
This presentation was graphic and ‘in your face’ (I warned you the content wasn’t safe for office viewing)–but it was also incredibly powerful.
Because it revealed why attraction is overrated and what you REALLY need to get girls to want to get physical with you.
Remember, it’s commonly said that “attraction isn’t a choice”… in other words, you can’t ever convince a woman to feel attracted to you.
But here’s the thing…
Arousal Trumps Attraction Any Day
Most dating and seduction schools focus on attraction, but the problem is, they fail to explain why women often sleep with guys who they aren’t really “attracted” to.
You see, the truth is that if you can turn a woman on enough–she won’t care about her feelings of attraction or if you meet any of her criteria or “type”…
None of that matters.
And one of the things I really dig about Julian is that he doesn’t theorize about any of this–he PROVES it with his own experience and results, as well as the many he’s taught this secret to.
Don’t get me wrong… he is probably the craziest SOB I’ve ever met.
I mean, I think he might actually be clinically nuts…
But whatever it is that makes him crazy is probably what makes him an absolute BEAST at learning the secrets of arousal.
Check out the PROOF right here.
And I’ve personally seen Julian with several of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen.
Which is even MORE impressive when you look at him – the guy has ghost white skin, and a curly red afro… not to be rude, but he looks more like Bozo the clown then some kind of master player!
And in his shocking new video, Julian reveals exactly how he DESTROYS the friend-zone, and even sleeps with girls that aren’t attracted to him…
You’re gonna love this!
Hasta luego,
Jack Slade
P.S. — I have to give you a WARNING: His new video is NOT SAFE FOR WORK… at all. So make sure you’re wearing headphones, or have some privacy. And due to the outrage over this, it’s no exaggeration that it could get taken down.
PS: My life is one big catch 22…
Desirability Is A State Of Mind…
And it manifests itself in absolutely everything you do, literally.
In fact, yesterday I revealed a unique little-known way of becoming interesting, charming and desirable…
And it’s a catch 22 that starts with developing your own passions.
Those men who seem smart, charming and who women want to be around all the time…they only became that person after focusing on their own life.
You think George Clooney is charming because he’s good looking, has money or tall?
Nope… he’s been going at it with humanitarian work, real-estate, and is a strong activist for many causes.
This builds confidence in him and it radiates whenever he walks into a room full of women (and men!)
Check his wiki if you don’t believe me… he’s been on the run since becoming Dr. Doug Ross (medical drama from early 90’s.)
As a result, he can easily walk into any club and get laid that night BUT….it took decades to build that aura of confidence.
Thats how it happens with me – how it happened with Anthony and anyone who you feel is interesting or confident.
“But Julian, I like video games, I work all day and I’m a bit overweight.”
PERFECT because today I’m going to reveal a shortcut that can develop your confidence, anxiety and maybe even reverse your limp ED troubles…
Your Body And Mind Are Intrinsically Linked An Easier Catch 22
Training and nutrition are vital if you don’t have the time or money to get into projects or hobbies…
If you develop strength, coordination, and fitness – you feel better.
If you feel better and are stronger, you’re more confident…
If you’re more confident, you’re more desirable.
See? It’s all connected.
(And really hot girls go to the gym, workout at parks and watch their food intake.)
This is why if you don’t exercise or eat right… you often experience the following:
– Lack of sleep
– Bad skin tone
– Hypertension (or time-wasting constipation.)
– Anxiety (which of course, heightens when you’re around nervous situations.)
– Most embarrassing: Negligible levels of testosterone!
In fact, men today have significantly less testosterone than men of the same age just a few decades ago… (like your father for example.)
I’ll talk about this tomorrow (as a guy in his mid 30’s.)
Plus, it’s difficult to be confident in clubs, or social settings if you have all of this collateral damage dragging your self-esteem.
This is real talk…
I shared it with you because it covers the fundamentals of becoming desirable, hence the title: The Desire Protocol – Get A New Girl Tonight.
Part of it is a blueprint that reveals proven, simple an easy-to-follow perimeters for exercising and eating healthy.
Here’s a link with a button that sends you straight to their offer if you don’t care for the video.
Check it out – read it this afternoon – its a digital download.
Skim through it if you have to so long as you start taking action right now.
Don’t forget, it’s a catch 22.
Talk soon,
Jack Slade
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